
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Short Story:
The Pit and the Pendulum (1842)
The Pit and the Pendulum (1961)
The 1842 short story from Poe is about a man’s torment in prison during the Spanish Inquisition although Poe does skews historical fact to fit the fabric of his story. The short story uses the senses to instil fear into the reader unlike is previous work which dealt more than supernatural. The death anxiety that the narrator experiences ingrains itself into the mind of the reader.
In 1961, with a script by Richard Matheson, Roger Corman send ferore into Edgar Allan Poe would star Vincent Price, Barbara Steele and John Kerr. The film would be a huge influence with Italian horror with Bava’s The Whip and the Body and Argento’s Profundo Rosso. Stephen King has stated that this is one of the most important films of 1960’s horror.
We are joined by Rod Labbe, esteemed film historian and journalist of classic films and one of our favourite guest co-host.
Help save the fin trad by signing the petition. It only takes a minute of your time and you too can help these creatures back from the brink of mass extinction. https://www.sharkallies.com/nofinfl-support-sign-on
Opening Credits (.25); Introduction 3.01); Forming the Plot (13.40); Film Trailer (45.31); Lights, Camera, Action (49.29); Epilogue (1:39.29); End Credits (1:42.32); Closing Credits (1:45.36)
Opening Credits – The Pit and the Pendulum by Les Baxter from the soundtrack album The Pit and the Pendulum
Closing Credits – Torture by Berlin from the album Pleasure Victim
All songs available from Amazon.
All rights reserved.

Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Season 3: Episode 77 - DARK SHADOWS: September 1966; Episodes 49 - 71
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Dark Shadows - September 1966
Episodes 49 - 71
Bill Malloy has still disappeared and Victoria Winters finds a body below the cliffs. The Sheriff starts to investigate everyone which includes Sam and Maggie. Burke Devlin thinks Roger has something to do with Bill disappearance and aims to prove his theory. Old secrets come out and a portrait of Josette is found in the old house.
We have Part One of our special interview with the writer, producer and director, Ansel Faraj who has a remarkable career. Make sure you following Ansel via the following sites:
Website: https://www.hollinsworthproductions.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/HollinsworthProd1
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4043796/?ref_=tt_ov_wr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hollinsworthproductions
Make sure you order his films with his fantastic cast including a lot of Dark Shadows alumni. You can order these at: https://www.oldies.com/performer-view/Ansel-Faraj.html
Help save the fin trad by signing the petition. It only takes a minute of your time and you too can help these creatures back from the brink of mass extinction. https://www.sharkallies.com/nofinfl-support-sign-on
Opening Credits (.27); Introduction (5.33); Out of the Shadows (13.20); Into The Shadows (29.41); Shedding Some Light (30.58); Part One - Interview With Ansel Faraj (1:40.18); Morning Has Broken (2:31.57); Tune In Next Time (2:55.17); Closing Credits (2:57.45)
Opening Credit – Tragedy - by Steps – taken from the album Steptacular
Closing Credits – Bury A Friend– by Billie Eilish – Taken from the album When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go
All rights reserved.
All songs available through Amazon.

Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Season 3: Episode 76 - EUROPEAN HORROR: Rec (2007)
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Rec (2007)
This 2007 Spanish found footage film written and directed by Jaume Balaguero and Paco Plaza would set the world on fire with their debut film that would spawn three sequels. The film centers on a news reporter and cameraman covering a fireman’s intervention in a Barcelona apartment building. The situation escalates as a murderous disease takes roots in the occupants causing them to be animalistic in nature.
The film would be remade for the American audience as Quarantine but would not capture the original films flair and audiences.
The film holds a 90% approval rating and is listed on numerous top 100 film lists for the year it released and all time favorite horror films. It is one film that totally holds you captive from the opening to closing frames.
Opening Credits (.22); Introduction (4.59); Forming the Plot (9.12); Film Trailer (15.40); Lights, Camera, Action (18.50); Epilogue (1:16.03); End Credits (1:24.02); Closing Credits (1:26.31)
Opening Credits: Disease – by Alli Fitz – Single available now through Amazon
Closing Credits: Shake The Disease by Depeche Mode – Taken from the album Black Celebration.
All rights reserved.
All songs are available through Amazon.

Sunday Sep 15, 2019
Sunday Sep 15, 2019
Season 3: Episode 75 - Longtime Companion/It Comes At Night
Longtime Companion (1990)
Considered one of the first major films to deal with the AIDS crisis of the 80’s would be considered a triumphant upon its release. Told from the point of view of a group of friends in a ten year period would show the impact the disease would have. The title comes from what the New York Times would use for the surviving same sex partner who had died from the AIDS virus.
Norman Rene and Craig Lucas would bring this amazing story to the screen. Rene would die of the AIDS virus in 1996. Craig Lucas is a multi-talented stage performer, director and writer and has won numerous awards for his work on Broadway.
The film stars Mary Louise Parker, Bruce Davison, Campbell Scott, Patrick Cassidy, Dermot Mulroney and Michael Schoeffling.
It Comes at Night (2017)
Written and directed by Trey Edward Shults following the death of his father, the film tells the story about a family who take refuge from a contagious disease in a house deep in the woods and the effects this has on the family.
The film takes its cue from the 1562 oil painting, The Triumph of Death whilst being influenced by the work of Paul Thomas Anderson and John Cassavettes. It also gives a nod to The Shining and Night of the Living Dead. This is a totally original work that surpassed expectation upon its initial release beating out big budget Hollywood films such as The Mummy and Megan Leavey.
The film stars Joel Edgerton, Carmen Ejogo, Christopher Abbott, Kelvin Harrison Jr and Riley Keough.
Opening Credits (.20); Introduction (5.13); Forming the Plot (9.46); Film Trailer (18.31); Page to Page (21.39); Outlining the Script (54.17); Film Trailer (57.17); In Sequence (1:00.51); Lights, Camera, Action (1:01.25); Epilogue (1:30.04); End Credits (1:33.49); Closing Theme (1:35.02)
Opening Credits – Go West – by The Village People from the album Go West In The Navy
Closing Credits – Our Perfect Disease – by The Wombats from the album The Wombats Proudly Present….The Modern Glitch
All songs rights reserved
All music available through Amazon.

Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Short Story
Masque of the Red Death (1842)
Hop Frog (1849)
Masque of the Red Death (1964)
The 1842 short story is an allegory about the inevitability of death. The Gothic short story is has risen to controversy with what is the titular disease which scholars continue to debate today. The original earned Poe $12.00 and would be published in Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Monthly.
In 1964, Roger Corman would bring the tale to the screen in all of its widescreen Technicolor splendor which would be part of the Corman Poe films starring Vincent Price in the lead role. Two sub plots are used in the classic screenplay written by Charles Beaumont and R Wright Campbell which incorporated Leap Frog, short by Poe himself and Torture of Hope by Augste Villiers de l’isle-Adam.
Interesting fact is award winning director Nicholas Roeg (Don’t Look Now, The Man Who Fell to Earth).
We are joined by Rod Labbe, esteemed film historian and journalist of classic films and one of our favourite guest co-host.
Opening Credits (.25); Introduction (3.22); Forming the Plot (12.39); Film Trailer (1:05.53); Lights, Camera, Action (1:10.26); Epilogue (2:21.33); End Credits (2:24.10); Closing Credits (2:26.19)
Opening Credits – Prelude/The Old Woman and the Red Death by David Lee from the soundtrack album The Masque of the Red Death
Closing Credits – Our Perfect Disease by The Wombats from the album The Wombats Proudly Present…The Modern Glitch
All songs available from Amazon.
All rights reserved.

Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Season 2: Episode 73 - SEASON 2 REVIEW
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Season Two Review
Jon Wilson, Keith Chawgo and Vickie Rae look over Season 2 and reflect what we loved and what we disliked about our season.
We also discuss what is coming your way in Season Three and share what surprises we have in store coming your way for 2019/2020.
We Must Stop The Fin Trade
Even though the fin trade is not the only problem, it is by far one of the biggest issues we are facing when it comes to saving sharks. Some shark populations have declined by more than 90% in recent decades due to overfishing, and this fishing of sharks is mostly profitable because of the high value of fins. Some of the species involved are being driven to the brink of extinction. Whether it is the cruel act of finning or the legal market for shark fins, at the core of it all is greed; to make money off a product that is valued as a status symbol.
Click on the this Link to sign the petition: https://www.sharkallies.com/nofinfl-support-sign-on
Opening Credits – Carry On Wayward – Cast of Supernatural the Musical – taken from the album Supernatural The Musical
Closing Credits – Edgar Allan Poe – London Cast – taken from the album Snoopy The Musical.
All songs rights reserved.
All songs available through Amazon.

Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Season 2: Episode 72 - DARK SHADOWS: August 1966; Episodes 26 - 48
Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Dark Shadows - August 1966
Episode 26 - 48
Roger Collins has an accident and the question on everyone's mind is whether Burke Devlin had anything to do with it. It seems like everyone has a problem with Burke except David Collins who befriends the enemy of his father.
Meanwhile Carolyn Stoddard and Joe are having their own relationship woes. Bill Malone has disappeared and only a crystal ball maybe able to find him.
We Must Stop The Fin Trade
Even though the fin trade is not the only problem, it is by far one of the biggest issues we are facing when it comes to saving sharks. Some shark populations have declined by more than 90% in recent decades due to overfishing, and this fishing of sharks is mostly profitable because of the high value of fins. Some of the species involved are being driven to the brink of extinction. Whether it is the cruel act of finning or the legal market for shark fins, at the core of it all is greed; to make money off a product that is valued as a status symbol.
Click on the this Link to sign the petition: https://www.sharkallies.com/nofinfl-support-sign-on
Opening Credits (.27); Introduction (5.32); Out of the Shadows (13.30); PSA (31.12); Into The Shadows (32.12); Shedding Some Light (1:08.48); Commercial Break (1:13.28); Interview With Kathryn Leigh Scott (1:14.44); Character Breaks (1:44.12); Morning Has Broken (1:55.31); Tune In Next Time (1:49.52); Closing Credits (2:02.42)
Opening Credit – Bad Boys - by Alexandra Burke – taken from the Overload
Closing Credits – Missing – by William Michael Morgan – Taken from the album Vinyl
All rights reserved.
All songs available through Amazon.

Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Season 2: Episode 71 - ALFRED HITCHCOCK: North By Northwest (1959)
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
North by Northwest (1959)
Screenplay by Earnest Lehman who wanted to write the Hitchcock picture to end all Hitchcock pictures provided this gem of a film that lives on in the halls of one of the best motion pictures ever made.
Hitchcock wanted to something fun and light with a murder mystery and a man mistaken. He has been running with the idea for a number of years until he decided to go forth and hiring Lehman to write a script.
The film stars Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint, Martin Landau, James Mason and Leo G Carroll. The film is a box office smash and still breaks records on reissues. This is one of the films that reminds us why we love Hitch.
The sharks are in danger and we need your help. Please sign the petition to stop them from becoming instinct: The website is: https://www.sharkallies.com/nofinfl-support-sign-on
Opening Credits (.20); Introduction (4.23); PSA (17.30); Forming the Plot (18.31); Commercial Break (29.18); Lights, Camera, Action (34.24); Epilogue (1:18.39); End Credits (1:23.33); Closing Credits (1:24.58)
Opening Credits: Overture by Bernard Herrman from the album North by Northwest – The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Closing Credits: Running For My Life – by Luciano – Taken from the album Reggae Gospel
All rights reserved.
All Songs Available Through Amazon

Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Season 2: Episode 70 - 2 FOR ONE: Blazing Saddles (1974) / High Anxiety (1977)
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
High Anxiety (1977)
Written by a team of writers and directed by Mel Brooks and is a parody of Hitchcock which includes a nod towards The Birds, Spellbound and Vertigo to name a few. The film is dedicated to Alfred Hitchcock.
The film stars Madeleine Kahn, Mel Brooks, Cloris Leachman, Harvey Korman and Dick Van Patten. The film would be a box office smash.
Blazing Saddles (1974)
Written by a team and directed by Mel Brooks. The film satirises racism obscured by myth making Hollywood accounts of the Old West.
Hedy Lamarr would sue the film for making fun of her name which Mel Brooks would say he was flattered and the studio would offer her a small fee. The film would break box office records and be considered a comedy classic.
The film stars Madeline Kahn, Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, Harvey Korman, Mel Brooks, Slim Pickens, Dom DeLuise and a cameo by Anne Bancroft.
We are joined by C Derrick Miller, fantastic author of the Taste of Home Series. You can check out C Derrick Miller at the following sites:
Killer Con - Austin
Spooky Spectacle Fort Worth
Opening Credits (.20); Introduction (3.47); PSA (8.04); Forming the Plot (9.03); Film Trailer (16.32); Lights, Camera, Action (19.46); Forming the Plot (1:03.14); Film Trailer (1:05.38); Lights, Camera, Action (1:09.34); Final Thoughts (1:35.10); End Credits (1:42.36); Closing Credits (1:44.49)
Opening Credit – High Anxiety Main Theme - by John Morris – taken from the album High Anxiety Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Closing Credits – I am Tired – Madeleine Kahn – taken from the album Blazing Saddles Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
All rights reserved.
All songs available through Amazon.

Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Season 2: Episode 69 - BOOK TO SCREEN: Strangers on a Train (1951)
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Strangers on a Train (1951)
American psychological thriller film noir with a script by Raymond Chandler, Whitfield Cook and Czenzi Ormonde, based on the novel by Patricia Highsmith.
Strangers on a Train would start the Hitchcock renaissance which would run through the 50’s and 60’s. It would be studied in depth by film studies especially for the scene of Margery’s murder and would have endless films use the plot such as Throw Momma From the Train, Sweet Revenge and Horrible Bosses to name a few. The film would also characterise light and dark and have a strong political context.
The film stars Farley Granger, Robert Walker, Ruth Roman, Leo G Carroll and Patricia Hitchcock.
We have a special guest co-host, the amazing writer, director, producer and actor Dave Campfield (Caesar and Otto films, Under Survillence and Dark Chamber). You can following him via the following links:
Website, Twitter or via his YouTube channel. You can also watch one of his Caesar and Otto short films – Caesar and Otto Meet Dracula’s Lawyer by clicking on the title.
Opening Credits (.20); Introduction (1.30); PSA (11.58); Forming the Plot (12.54); Film Trailer (1:25.08); Lights, Camera, Action (1:29.59); Epilogue (2:35.35); End Credits (2:40.10); Closing Credits (2:41.40)
Opening Credits – Strangers on a Train Main Theme by Dimitri Tiomkin from the album Crime Scenes of Alfred Hitchcock
Closing Credits – Strangers by Hanne Mjoen from the album Strangers
All songs available from Amazon.
All rights reserved.

Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Season 2: Episode 68 - DARK SHADOWS: July 1966; Episodes 1 - 25
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Dark Shadows - July 1966
Episodes 1 - 25
"My name is Victoria Winters..." These are the words that would start a cultural phenomenon that would take the world by storm. Vickie Tom and Keith will be exploring the classic daytime soap opera that is still a cult favourite today. As we begin from Episode 1 we start our opus expedition to all things Dark Shadows. Covering the series one month at a time.
Victoria Winters arrives at Collinsport to a secret only Elizabeth Stoddard knows the answers to. Arriving at the same time and on the same train is Burke Devlin, a man whos secrets could tear the Collins family apart.
We are joined by special guest co-host Theresa Chase, writer, producer and script writer. You can follow Theresa on your links by clicking below:
Chalice Island Fan Page:
We also have a special interview with Kathryn Leigh Scott which is Part One from this amazing writer, actress and business owner. You can connect through her website by clicking HERE:
Opening Credits (.27); Introduction (5.34); Out of the Shadows (11.51); Commercial Break (33.11); Into The Shadows (14.11); Shedding Some Light (35.15); Commercial Break (1:29.12); Interview With Kathryn Leigh Scott (1:29.45); Morning Has Broken (2:18.03); Tune In Next Time (2:24.22); Closing Credits (2:29.21)
Opening Credit – Journey to the Past - by Liz Callaway – taken from the Broadway musical Anastasia
Closing Credits – Demolition Man– by Grace Jones – Taken from the album Nightclubbing
All rights reserved.
All songs available through Amazon.

Saturday Jul 20, 2019
Season 2: Episode 67 - ALFRED HITCHCOCK: Rear Windows (1954)
Saturday Jul 20, 2019
Saturday Jul 20, 2019
Rear Window (1954)
Based on the short story, It Had To Be Murder by Cornell Woolrich, with script written by John Michael Hayes and directed by Alfred Hitchcock. This film is considered one of the greatest films ever made.
The film is filmed entirely on a purpose built set which was the largest of kind with a massive drainage system to accommodate the rain. The actors would all stay on set through all of filming living their lives in their flats as their characters.
The film stars James Stewart, Grace Kelly, Thelma Ritter and Raymond Burr.
We are joined by director, writer and actor Dave Campfield. You can view his film that was inspired by Rear Window through Amazon. Click here:
We also have one of our favourite authors of dark fiction/horror Jonathan Janz whose books will send a chill down your back whilst keeping you thoroughly entranced by his plots and characters. Make sure you sign up for his newsletter via his website by Clicking Here:
Opening Credits (.20); Introduction (2.27); Forming the Plot (7.08); Commercial Break (14.24); Lights, Camera, Action (19.26); Epilogue (1:29.26); End Credits (1:33.57); Closing Credits (1:36.37)
Opening Credits: Rear Window by Franz Waxman from the album Rear Window – The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Closing Credits: Somebody’s Watching Me – by Rockwell– Taken from the album Scream (Michael Jackson)
All rights reserved.
All songs are available through Amazon.

Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
House of Dark Shadows (1970)
Written by Sam Hall and Gordon Russell and directed by Dan Curtis. This is a film of the classic soap opera Dark Shadows. In this film expansion, vampire Barnabas Collins looks for a cure for his vampirism. He used the basic Barnabas story line but with a modified ending.
After the huge success of this daytime serial, Curtis decided to expand this into a feature film. The film is more violent that its daytime counterpart and was given a R rating upon its release. It would cast the television stars to reprise their roles.
The film stars Kathryn Leigh Scott, Jonathan Frid, Grayson Hall, Roger Davis, Nancy Barrett, John Karlen and Louis Edmonson. During the time of filming, some of the stars were written out of the day time serial and returned back once their time on the film was done.
Trilogy of Terror (1975)
Written by William F Nolan and Richard Matheson and directed by Dan Curtis this three story anthology film all starring Karen Black.
The film starred Karen Black, John Karlen and Gregory Harrison. The film was a network smash in the ratings and has since become a horror classic. Karen Black blames the popularity of this film from only being cast in B Horror films.
Our special guest co-host is Tom Diamon (The Literary License Podcast Dark Shadows co-host) and Rod Labbe, journalist and novelist. We also have a special interview by Tom Diamon with the one and only Roger Davis, who gives us a special insight into the making of House of Dark Shadows.
A very special thank you to Don Capone who helped with a very difficult audio with the Roger Davis. Check out his website by clicking here. HERE
Opening Credits (.20); Introduction (3.50); Forming the Plot (14.34); Film Trailer (24.01); Lights, Camera, Action (27.44); Interview with Roger Davis (1:17.32); Forming the Plot (1:56.40); Lights, Camera, Action (2:06.02); Final Thoughts (2:30.33); End Credits (2:47.37); Closing Credits (2:49.11)
Opening Credit – Barnabas - by Vampire State Building – taken from the album Dark Shadows 30th Anniversary
Closing Credits – I Was Jesus In Your Veins – by Amy Studt - single out now
All rights reserved.
All songs available through Amazon.

Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Season 2: Episode 65 - BOOK TO SCREEN: Burnt Offerings (1976)
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Burnt Offerings (1976)
Screenplay by William F Nolan (The Thing, Logan’s Run) and directed by Dan Curtis, this mystery horror film is based on the best selling book of the same name by Robert Marasco.
The film would become a horror classic and dealing with a house that uses a life force to rebuild itself. Bette Davis had difficulties on set with Karen Black due to her showing no respect and Oliver Reed for his drunken escapades.
The film stars Karen Black, Oliver Reed, Bette Davis, Eileen Heckart, Burgess Meredith and Anthony James. The film would go on to win numerous horror awards and the soundtrack composed by Robert Cobert (Dark Shadows).
Opening Credits (.20); Introduction (4.35); Forming the Plot (6.55); Film Trailer (35.57); Lights, Camera, Action (40.41); Epilogue (1:04.34); End Credits (1:10.47); Closing Credits (1:11.35)
Opening Credits – Obsession by Army of Lovers from the album Massive Luxury Overload
Closing Credits – House Is Not A Home by Rumer from the album This Girl Is In Love
All songs available from Amazon.
All rights reserved.

Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Season 2: Episode 64 - THE SPECIAL EPISODE: Sleepaway Camp (1983)
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Sleepaway Camp (1983)
This American slasher film written, executive produced and directed by Robert Hiltzik, would spawn multiple sequels, with one produced twenty years later by Hiltzik himself. The film would spawn an icon, Felissa Rose who will be forever entered into the annals of horror history.
The film tells the story of a young girl and her cousin who are sent to a summer camp where killings soon start. It’s unforgettable ending has haunt film goers since its premiere. Filming on a budget of $350,000 and grossing $11 million, this little film has captured audiences which has made it the camp classic it is today.
The film stars Mike Kellen, Jonathan Tiersten, Felissa Rose and an outstanding memorable performance by Desiree Gould. We are joined by our two new co-host, Tom Diamon (Dark Shadows) and Will Millar (European Horror).
We have a special guest co-host, the amazing writer, director, producer and actor Dave Campfield (Caesar and Otto films, Under Survillence and Dark Chamber). You can following him via the following links:
Website, Twitter or via his YouTube channel. You can also watch one of his Caesar and Otto short films – Caesar and Otto Meet Dracula’s Lawyer by clicking on the title.
Opening Credits (.20); Introduction (2.50); Forming the Plot (5.57); Commercial Break (22.08); Lights, Camera, Action (25.22); Epilogue (52.14); End Credits (57.30); Closing Credits (1:00.25)
Opening Credits: We’re Going To Be Friends – by Jack White – Taken from the album Jack White Acoustic Recordings 1998 - 2016
Closing Credits: Transvestites, Transsexuals and Chicks with Dicks – by Jeff Dahl – Taken from the album Street Fighting Reptile
All rights reserved.
All songs are available through Amazon.

Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Season 2: Episode 63 - SHUDDER: June 2019 - The Last Shudder
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Shudder June 2019 - The Last Shudder
Keith Chawgo and Vickie Rae discuss Shudder and their picks of what to see each month on this incredible fantastic online services that gives it's audience the best of dark fiction, horror and thriller genres. The site has so much to offer and we each pick three of our best viewing for the month.
This is our last Shudder episodes. Thank you Shudder for all the great support and films and staying with us.
Shudder is service that anyone can join for the low cost of $4.99 (US) or £4.99 (UK). It is a truly low cost that will feed its audience everything that is great about this genre. It excels in independent features that our outstanding and stand against most of Hollywood heavyweights. Treat yourself to a service that knows it fans and honours them with intelligence.

Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Season 2: Episode 62 - ALFRED HITCHCOCK: Rebecca (1940)
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Rebecca (1940)
Written by a team of writers and Alfred Hitchcock’s first American film would bring him to the attention of the Academy Awards for a total of nine awards.
The film today is notable for having a lesbian flirtation going on with Mrs Danvers which Hitchcock would put into the film which was not in the script. The film was almost banned due to this but David O Selznick would push the film forward and eventually the Hayes board would back down for the film release.
The film starred Joan Fontaine, Laurence Olivier, Judith Anderson, George Saunders and Leo G Carroll. The film is a somewhat faithful adaption of the classic Daphne du Maurier and the first of three of her works filmed by Hitchcock. This is also the first film to start the film noir movement in Hollywood.
Opening Credits (.20); Introduction (3.04); Forming the Plot (10.19); Commercial Break (23.25); Lights, Camera, Action (27.54); Epilogue (54.37); End Credits (56.34); Closing Credits (57.16)
Opening Credits: Rebecca by Franz Waxman from the album Rebecca – The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Closing Credits: I’m Not That Girl – by Idina Menzel– Taken from the album Wicked – Original Broadway Album
All rights reserved.
All songs are available through Amazon.

Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
This time around James V Hart would write the screenplay and director duties would be Francis Ford Coppola. The film would come to Coppola after Ryder presented it to him after feeling guilty for dropping out of Godfather Part III.
Filmed entirely on sound stages and using practical effects over digital effects, Coppola would rely on giving the film an erotic dream feel throughout the film. The film would get good notices for most of the cast though Keanu Reeves would be the brunt of bad reviews.
The film starred Wynonna Ryder, Keanu Reeves, Gary Oldman, Anthony Hopkins and Sadie Frost. The film would go on to win Academy Awards for makeup design and costume ignoring the acting categories all together.
Love At First Bite (1979)
Written by Robert Kaufman and directed by Stan Dragoti and a spoof of Dracula, the film would become a box office success. It would transport Dracula to New York City after being evicted from his Castle by the Romanian government as they needed his castle to be the new sports center.
The film would start George Hamilton, Susan St James, Richard Benjamin, Arte Johnson and Dick Shawn. They would showcase their comedy talent by looking at love and lust in 1970’s New York City. A sequel has been in planning stages since 1980 with no luck as of date.
Opening Credits (.20); Introduction (3.50); Forming the Plot (15.35); Film Trailer (21.31); Lights, Camera, Action (25.08); Forming the Plot (57.06); Film Trailer (1:04.59); Lights, Camera, Action (1:09.31); Final Thoughts (1:42.15); End Credits (1:46.34); Closing Credits (1:48.04)
Opening Credit – Vampire Hunters - by Wojciech Kilar – taken from the album Bram Stoker’s Dracula Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Closing Credits – I Love the Nightlife (Disco ‘Round) – by Alicia Bridges – taken from the album The Collection
All rights reserved.
All songs available through Amazon.

Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Season 2: Episode 60 - BOOK TO SCREEN: Dracula (1931)
Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Dracula (1931)
Garrett Ford (Frankenstein, Mark of Zorro) would adapt the classic Bram Stoker novel for the screen which was directed by Tod Browning. The film is actually more based on the 1924 stage play and very loosely based on the novel.
Although Nosferatu (1922), German expressionist film, was released and ordered to be destroyed by Bram Stoker’s widow due to copyright infringement, the team of Dracula would study the film to help bring their film to life for Universal. The film feels like a silent film through style and direction due to Browning having most of his experience in silent films.
The film would star Bela Lugosi, Helen Chandler, David Manners and Dwight Frye. In 1998, Phillip Glass would compose a score for this Dracula. Interestingly enough, Tod Browning would film during the day and at night, George Melford would film the Spanish version of the same film which both versions can be found on the Blu-Ray release with interesting results.
Opening Credits (.20); Introduction (5.27); Forming the Plot (14.15); Film Trailer (53.53); Lights, Camera, Action (56.54); Epilogue (1:30.42); End Credits (1:38.58); Closing Credits (1:39.49)
Opening Credits – Dracula by Gorillaz from the album Clint Eastwood
Closing Credits – Dracula Teeth by The Last Shadow Puppets from the album Everything You’ve Come To Expect.
All songs available from Amazon.
All rights reserved.

Sunday May 19, 2019
Season 2: Episode 59 - ALFRED HITCHCOCK: Stage Fright (1950)
Sunday May 19, 2019
Sunday May 19, 2019
Stage Fright (1950)
The script was adapted by Whitfield Cook and Ranald MacDougall from the novel Man Running by Selwyn Jepson. This 1950 British Thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock would include a host of big British talent.
The films stars Jane Wynan and Marlene Dietrich the only two non British actors. The British actors would include Richard Todd, Alastair Sims, Sybil Thorndyke, Kay Walsh and Joyce Grenfell. The film is also notable as the film Hitchcock let the actor direct themselves which was the late Marlene Dietrich. When asked about this, Hitchcock would state, ‘Marlene was a professional star. She was also a professional cameraman, art director, editor, costume designer, hairdresser, makeup woman, composer, producer and director’.
Opening Credits (.20); Introduction (4.32); Forming the Plot (26.05; Commercial Break (31.20); Lights, Camera, Action (34.55); Epilogue (1:12.50); End Credits (1:15.54); Closing Credits (1:16.52)
Opening Credits: If by Sally Mayes from the album Our Private World
Closing Credits: Life Upon The Wicked Stage – by Blossom Dearie – Taken from the album It’s the Lovely….Blossom Dearie Volume 4
All rights reserved.
All songs are available through Amazon.